Home News Environment Town Of Brookline Awarded Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Grant

Town Of Brookline Awarded Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Grant


Town Administrator Chas Carey is pleased to announce that the Town of Brookline’s Sustainability Division was recently awarded a Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness action grant by the Baker-Polito Administration’s Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs.

This $75,000 grant will help fund a Climate Crisis Action and Resiliency Plan Update, creating a comprehensive actionable framework for the Town of Brookline to achieve zero emissions by 2040. The project will begin in late fall and dovetail with the Brookline Emergency Management Team’s update to our Hazard Mitigation Plan and include an Environmental Justice community tree-planting pilot that will engage our community, sequester carbon, and help with cooling mitigation in one of these neighborhoods.

“Brookline has a longstanding commitment to pursuing sustainability and climate-friendly initiatives, and this grant is just the latest example,” Town Administrator Carey said. “Congratulations to all of the staff and community partners who made this possible, and who will continue the work of developing and achieving meaningful climate goals.”

Select Board Chair Heather Hamilton noted, “Thanks to Sustainability Director Tom Barrasso, this grant will give the Town of Brookline an opportunity to transition into a phase of defining specific, actionable items to address our climate crisis.”

The Town also appreciates the grant support provided by Representative Tommy Vitolo, Director of Planning & Community Development Kara Brewton, Public Works Commissioner Erin Chute Gallentine, Recreation Director Leigh Jackson, Fire Chief John F. Sullivan, Parks & Open Space Director Alexandra Vecchio, Solid Waste Advisory Committee, Zero Emissions Advisory Board, Brookline Chamber of Commerce, the Charles River Watershed Association, Climate Action Brookline, Climate Is Everybody’s Business, and the Charles River Watershed Association.