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Town Administrator Chas Carey Earns Positive Performance Review From Brookline Select Board In 1st Year Of Service


The Town of Brookline Select Board is pleased to share Town Administrator Chas Carey’s positive performance review in his first year of service with the town. 

Town Administrator Carey was appointed in August 2022, and was evaluated on his work from September 2022 to December 31, 2023. Select Board members assessed Carey in 10 categories: individual characteristics, professional skills and status, relations with elected members of the Select Board, policy execution, community member relations, reporting, staffing, supervision, fiscal management, and community. 

The Select Board reviewed all materials in their informational packets, compiled by Select Board Chair Bernard Greene, including a self-assessment from Carey.

Town Administrator Carey’s performance review and the evaluation process were shared by the Select Board with the public during the Select Board’s regular meeting on Tuesday, March 5, 2024. 

The rating scale for these categories was 1-5, with 5 being excellent. Town Administrator Carey scored 4s and 5s in all categories.

Select Board members’ observations included:

  • thoughtful and collaborative approach;
  • smart, creative, brings new and actionable ideas to the Board;
  • a good focus on communication to all stakeholders;
  • excellent understanding of the Town budget and the relationship with Brookline Public Schools stakeholders;
  • works diligently to satisfy stakeholder groups, finds ways to identify and address the legitimate concerns amid the “noise”.

Annual reviews are meant to evaluate strengths and weaknesses with constructive feedback to help develop future skills and expectations. This is the first time the Select Board has formally given a performance evaluation for any Town Administrator in Brookline and the first time that it will be shared and reviewed publicly.  A summary of Town Administrator Carey’s performance evaluation as well as his self-evaluation is posted on the Town Administrator’s page under Town Administrator Performance Evaluations.

“I am honored to have served the Brookline community for the past year, and greatly appreciate the feedback provided by the Select Board,” said Town Administrator Carey. “I would like to extend my sincerest thanks to my colleagues and staff for their continued encouragement and support. I look forward to seeing what we can accomplish together in years to come.”