Home News Crime & Punishment Police Blotter

Police Blotter


Monday, Feb. 26

Shoplifting: At 3:31 p.m. police received a report of two men who took two pairs of Nike sneakers from TJ Maxx.

Needle found on Beacon Street: At 3:45 p.m. a caller reported finding a needle and what appeared to be a smashed diabetic kit on the sidewalk near Lancaster Terrace.

Break and enter on Evans Road: At 9:42 p.m. a caller reported that someone had been into their Evans Road home and said that many items had been moved around and that one empty suitcase was possibly taken.

Tuesday, Feb. 27

Dogs off the leash at Coolidge Park: At 9:01 a.m. a caller reported that three dogs were off their leashes at Coolidge Park, the report stated that the park was also closed.

Disturbance on Harvard Street: At 6:51 p.m. a caller reported that a girl in the passenger seat of black Honda Pilot was screaming “help me” and attempted to jump out of the vehicle. The caller said the car was in the Brookline Village area.

Vehicle break and enter on Cameron Street: At 11:09 p.m. a caller reported that two males had broken the glass of a white vehicle on Cameron Street.

Wednesday, Feb 28

Coyote by Brookline High: At 8:21 a.m. a caller reported a coyote crossing Tappan Street towards the high school.

Graffiti on Gardner Road: At 8:40 a.m. a caller reported gold graffiti on a mailbox at the corner of Gardner Road and Welland Road.

Another coyote on Jamaica Road: At 11:20 a.m. police received a report of a coyote on Jamaica Road heading towards Pond Avenue.

Thursday, March 1

Break and enter on Marion Street: At 9:53 a.m. a caller reported a break and enter overnight and said that cash was stolen.

Creepy behavior on Longwood Avenue: At 11:51 a.m. a caller reported that someone from a building on Sewall Avenue was filming or taking pictures through her window which faces Sewall Avenue from Longwood Avenue.

Touching trees on Eliot Street: At 11:54 a.m. a caller reported a suspicious man sitting on a swing across from Heath School who had been wandering around for the last 40 minutes and touching trees.

Child walking a dog in Winthrop Square: At 4:56 p.m. a caller reported that a child was walking his dog inside Winthrop Square which the caller said was a “no dogs” park. The caller wanted an officer to inform the child that dogs were not allowed in the park.

Creepy man on Kent Street: At 7:06 p.m. a caller reported that her 12-year-old son was walking home when a man in a brown or green-colored Honda sedan approached him and asked how to get to 99 Kent St. According to the report, the driver told the boy to get in the car. The son got scared and ran home.

Suspicious sounds on Beacon Street: At 7:36 p.m. a caller reported hearing someone climb her fire escape and run across the roof during the night.

Friday, March 2

Making a scene at Holiday Inn: At 1:51 p.m. a caller reported a woman was refusing to leave the hotel and was yelling and making a scene in the lobby.

Smoke at Trader Joe’s: At 2:08 p.m. police received a report of smoke inside Trader Joe’s on Beacon Street.

Suspicious man in pajama pants on Eliot Street: At 4:51 p.m. a caller reported a man in plaid pajama pants and a coat lingering in the playground area by Heath School.

Gunshot on Euston Street: At 9:03 p.m. a caller reported hearing one gunshot in the area. According to the report the caller said it may have been either on Euston Street or near St. Mary’s.

Saturday, March 3

Break and enter on Dummer Street: At 8:40 a.m. a caller reported that his mother returned home on Dummer Street to discover that the apartment had been entered overnight. According to the report, a pocketbook and cell phone were taken and charges had been made on credit cards.

Fight on the Green Line: At 8:37 p.m. police received a report of two people fighting and throwing punches on the C-Line.

Sunday, March 4

Tipped over portable toilet on Clinton Road: At 9:31 a.m. police received a report of refuse and chemicals coming from a tipped-over portable toilet.