Home News Education New Turf Field Opens At Brookline’s Skyline Park

New Turf Field Opens At Brookline’s Skyline Park


The Brookline Department of Public Works is pleased to share that the new state-of-the-art synthetic turf field at Skyline Park is open beginning today, Tuesday, September 05, 2023.

“This field renovation puts Brookline on the cutting edge of synthetic turf technology and is a project we are immensely proud of,” says Public Works Commissioner Erin Chute.

Over the past year, the DPW’s Parks and Open Space Division received input from the community on field usage and preferred materials for the replacement of this critical recreational asset. The field will be used by Brookline High School varsity sports teams, recreation and club leagues, adult and youth sports groups and the community-at-large.

Members of the public, staff and Park and Recreation Commissioners participated in the public design review process earlier this year. Materials were further researched and determined with input from Huntress Associates and GeoKinetics, as well as other schools and municipalities in the area that have used some of the products that were considered.

“We realize that projects like this require a great deal of thought, research, and consideration of various user groups,” said Director of Parks and Open Space Alexandra Vecchio. “We are grateful to the Brookline community and the entire project team for helping us consider which products would meet both the needs of field user groups and have the least impact on the environment.”

The turf selected for this project is Greenfields Iron turf which is a woven turf product that is made in the USA and is completely recyclable at the end of life. The product is also Cradle to Cradle Certified. The infill product that is being used with the turf is BrockFill, a product that is sustainably grown in the USA, 100% recyclable at the end of life, reduces heat by up to 40 degrees and is also Cradle to Cradle Certified, which requires all materials to be fully biodegradable or recyclable. These certifications ensure sustainability, even beyond the field’s useful lifespan.

The Town of Brookline and the contractor worked in an expeditious fashion to ensure this field was open for user groups for the fall 2023 season.

If you are interested in participating in the second phase of the public design review process for the remainder of the Skyline Park improvements, please visit here.