Home News Crime & Punishment Statement Of Brookline School Superintendent Linus Guillory

Statement Of Brookline School Superintendent Linus Guillory


Superintendent of Schools Linus Guillory wishes to provide the following statement on behalf of the Public Schools of Brookline:

“The Public Schools of Brookline have learned that a former teacher at Heath and Driscoll Schools, Larry Chen, who left the District in November 2018, is facing charges of alleged sexual assault of a child, which occurred during his tenure in Brookline. Chen also worked as a seasonal employee with the town’s Recreation Department last summer.

“While the judicial process plays out, we are nonetheless deeply concerned by these allegations and are committed to providing our full cooperation with the investigation into these charges.

“We were made aware of these allegations today after the Brookline Police Department began investigating a report made by an individual.

“Our paramount concern is always the safety and well-being of our students, and school counselors are available to students as needed to provide support. We have shared additional resources with PSB families.

“We encourage anyone who believes they have information about this matter to reach out to Brookline Police at 617-730-2222.”