Home News Religion Community Shabbat Dinner & Lecture Series

Community Shabbat Dinner & Lecture Series


The event, organized by Young Israel Of Brookline, will take place on Friday, December 21st, 05:15 p.m.

Please join us for the first of our three Winter Shabbat Dinner and Lectures over the coming months. Each Friday night an intimate group of no more than 50 people will enjoy a catered dinner with old and new friends and Rabbi Hellman and his family. After dinner a distinguished scholar will lead a stimulating lecture and discussion.

The first dinner will feature Dr. David Rosmarin, Director of the Spirituality and Mental Health Program at Mclean Hospital and professor at Harvard Medical School, who will speak on “Spirituality and Mental Health: What Does Research Have To Say?”

Reservations are required:

  • $24 for adults and children ages 11+;
  • $28 for non-members;
  • $5 for children ages 2-10; $8 for non-members;
  • no charge for children under 2-years old.

Please register here. Registration deadline is Tuesday, December 18th. Be a listed sponsor for the evening for an additional $36.

Mark your calendars now for the remaining Community Shabbat Dinner and Lectures:

  • February 1, 2019: Professor Reuven Kimelman, noted historian and author, will speak on “The History of Lecha Dodi and the Creation of Kabalat Shabbat.
  • March 1, 2019: Professor Lila Kagedan, bioethicist and hospital chaplain, will speak on “Medical Ethics: Comparing Jewish and other Perspectives.”

For more information or questions, please contact the YIB office.