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Police Blotter


Here is a sample of the types of calls the Brookline police responded to between Sunday, March 11 and Sunday March 18 taken from the public log and the Brookline police blog, meant to give residents an idea of what people report to the police and what Brookline police respond to. Note that just because someone reports an issue to the police is not necessarily the way it actually happened. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

Sunday, March 11

Stolen car, and home break in: On Sunday evening, an officer was dispatched to Sherman Rd for a past breaking and entering into a residence and for a stolen motor vehicle report. Upon arrival, the officer was met with three victims, who had been out of town since Wednesday (3/7). When returning back to their residence Sunday afternoon, they realized that it had been ransacked and that several items were missing from the apartment. Upon hearing the statements from all three victims, they observed a cut screen window near the front door of their residence that belonged to one of the windows within their kitchen. Between the victims, multiple electronics, video games, backpacks, sneakers and cash had been stolen from their residence while they were away. Additionally, a set of car keys was missing, belonging to one of their friends. Once noticing the missing car keys, they exited their apartment to go to their friend’s car that had been parked within the vicinity of their apartment. After several attempts, they were unable to locate the vehicle. This investigation is ongoing.

Monday, March 12

Shoplifter: At approximately 9:00 p.m. on Monday, officers responded to Harvard Street for a reported shoplifting. Upon arrival, officers spoke with the reporting party, an employee, who stated she noticed a man attempting to conceal various items from the store inside of his jacket. The reporting party then attempted to stop the suspect but he continued to exit the store. A follow-up has been requested for this active case.

Tuesday, March 13

Storm damage: An officer responded to Salisbury Road at approximately 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday for an uprooted tree that fell across the roadway and came to rest against a home. On scene, officers observed a large tree resting on the rooftop of the home. However, they were unable to make a complete assessment of the potential damage due to the snow covered roof. The Forestry Division was notified and removed the fallen tree. The resident was advised of the event.

*Over the course of Tuesday’s Blizzard, 53 motor vehicle tows were initiated due to the snow ban. Additionally, 4 trees fell onto residential property, 2 of them blocking roadways. 14 calls regarding down or low hanging wires were made, 9 of them occurring on residential properties.

Wednesday, March 14

Stolen: At approximately 9:00 p.m., an officer was dispatched to the front desk of the Station to take a larceny report. The victim stated that a passport and a check were both taken from his residence. A follow-up has been requested.

Porch pirates: On Wednesday night, an officer was dispatched to Beacon Street for a reported package theft. Upon arrival, the officer met with the victim. The victim stated that she received confirmation that 2 packages were delivered to her residence that morning. When going to retrieve the packages in the foyer of the building, she noticed them missing and called Brookline Police. This case is under investigation.

Thursday, March 15

Break in? A Beacon Street resident called to report they saw a man wearing all black and a black beanie holding a flashlight looking through a suitcase in the nearby apartment. Police said it checked out OK, and by OK, they meant it was a bed bug inspection.

Stolen: Someone at the High School reported their iPhone 6S went missing from a class in the basement of the UA building.

Break in: Several calls came in about a break in at triplex Kendall Street building. One woman said she was missing a laptop and a safe.

Car? Someone called to report they thought their car might have been stolen from Harvard Street. But it turned out they just forgot where they parked it.

Friday, March 16

Wallet Stolen: An officer took a report about the larceny on Warren Street.

Dog bite: Someone called to report a dog bite that happened at Waldstein Park on Dean Road.

Trashed: Someone called to report a trash truck hit a parked car on Cushing Road.

Uh: Someone called to report an employee of a business hit a coworker with a drill and knocked his teeth out on Commonwealth Avenue. Police took a report at 10:24 a.m.

Saturday, March 17

Drunk: Someone called to report a drunk person at the Washington Square T stop at 10:16 p.m. They were taken to the hospital.

Can’t see: Someone reported a UPS package with some eyeglasses were missing.

Happening: Two people reported possible break ins happening, including one on Denny Road just after 10:00 p.m. (police said it checked out ok), and one on Kent Street that also turned out to be OK.

Sunday, March 18

Car break ins: Four calls came in reporting car break ins on Leicester, Clinton Road, Clinton, and Buckminster roads.

Break in: A Littell Road resident called to report someone broke into her apartment by way of the fire escape. Adrienne Leslie of Bow Street in Medford was arrested for breaking and entering with intent to commit a misdemeanor, disturbing the peace and defrauding an inkeeper.

Shoplifter: Someone at the CVS on Comm Ave called to report a man described as white, about 6’1, in his 30’s wearing a black jacket, pants, gloves and scarf and white shoes stole something around 1:00 p.m.