Home News Health Brookline Public Health Nurse Hosting CoViD-19 Vaccine Clinic

Brookline Public Health Nurse Hosting CoViD-19 Vaccine Clinic


The Town of Brookline invites residents who have not yet been vaccinated against CoViD-19 to attend an open clinic next week.

Public Health Nurse Elizabeth Bennett has a limited supply of Johnson & Johnson vaccines available, and is working to ensure they are distributed to residents in need rather than being allowed to expire.

She will host a clinic on Monday, September 20, 2021, from 09:00 a.m. to 03:00 p.m., and residents can call her directly at 617-730-2320 to make an appointment. The clinic will be held at the Public Health Building, 11 Pierce Street, 2nd floor in the clinical suite.

Johnson & Johnson is a single-dose vaccine and is the only one available at the clinic. Only those who are unvaccinated are eligible to receive a shot, as no booster shots will be available at this clinic.

The clinic is free and open to all unvaccinated individuals ages 18 and older.

For general information about the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, please visit here.