Home News Politics Brookline’s Jesse Mermell To Represent Warren Campaign: Caucus

Brookline’s Jesse Mermell To Represent Warren Campaign: Caucus

Jesse Mermell
Jesse Mermell

Former Selectwoman and Town Meeting Member Jesse Mermell was chosen to represent the Elizabeth Warren Campaign at the Brookline Caucus this weekend.

Mermell was asked by the Campaign to speak for about a minute about the senator’s record at the Caucus. Most campaigns (for any office) will have local people there representing the candidate if that person can’t be there themselves. This isn’t the first time Mermell has done work for Warren.

“In 2012 I did a fair amount of surrogating for her,” Mermell told the media.

Democrats will convene at Brookline High School in the cafeteria at 2 p.m. to elect delegates and alternates to the 2018 MA Democratic State Convention, which will be held at the DCU Center in Worcester on June 1 and 2. Delegates at the 2018 MA Democratic State Convention will determine which statewide candidates will be on the Democratic ticket in the 2018 Primary Election in September and amend the Party Charter.

Brookline will be electing 42 delegates and seven alternates. Registered and pre-registered Democrats in Brookline will be eligible to vote at the caucus. Those not elected as delegates or alternates who meet the qualifications may apply to be add-on delegates in the following categories: Youth, Minority, Disabled or LGBT.

WHEN: Saturday, February 3, 2:00 p.m.

WHERE: Brookline High School, cafeteria,115 Greenough Street, Brookline, MA

For information: Brookline Democratic Town Committee Chair, Cindy Rowe, 617-277-6282.