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Request For Proposals




Site-Based Services for Elderly/Disabled Residents

The Brookline Housing Authority (BHA) is seeking proposals from qualified firms (Proposers) in accordance with Massachusetts General Law Ch. 30-B § 6-a. for ongoing resident services provided at two federally funded public housing developments each with one hundred apartments serving elderly and/or disabled residents. The BHA has determined it is in the best interest of the BHA and our residents to solicit services under the RFP process, as it will enable the BHA to provide higher ratings to Proposers whose personnel have extensive experience providing similar services to other affordable and/or subsidized housing agencies and therefore maintain high quality services for our residents. The service programs at these developments have been in place with stable funding for several years.

Site-Based Services for Elderly/Disabled Residents: Comprehensive site-based supportive services for low-income elderly and/or disabled individuals with an emphasis on care coordination to enable and promote independent living, and social activities to reduce isolation. Program services are required for residents at Sussman House – 50 Pleasant Street and O’Shea House – 61 Park Street.

Proposers must indicate their intention to respond and/or submit any questions or requests for modifications no later than 2:00 p.m. on October 5, 2017 via email to Desiree Ladd at dladd@brooklinehousing.org. A complete Q&A sheet will be distributed via email to all respondents and posted to the BHA webpage no later than October 12, 2017.

Proposers responding to this RFP must submit their sealed bid proposal(s) no later than 2:00 p.m. on October 26, 2017 to: Desiree Ladd, Executive Assistant, Brookline Housing Authority, 90 Longwood Ave, Suite 1, Brookline, MA 02446.

The service proposal(s) and fee proposal(s) must be submitted in separate sealed envelopes clearly labeled with the subject program(s) and the Proposer’s company name.

For more information and a complete copy of the RFP please visit our website: http://brooklinehousing.org/Business&employmentOpportunities.html