Home Real Estate News RTN Federal Credit Union Offering Free Home-Buying & Home Selling Seminars This...

RTN Federal Credit Union Offering Free Home-Buying & Home Selling Seminars This Fall


RTN Federal Credit Union will be holding several Financial Education seminars in their branches this Fall.

A seminar designed specifically for first-time home buyers will provide valuable information on how to find a home, why good credit is important for financing and what types of first-time home buyer programs are available. This seminar will be held onWednesday, September 27 at the Brookline branch; Thursday, October 19 in the Tewksbury branch; and Tuesday, October 24 at the Waltham branch, all being held from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Careful planning and preparation are key to selling your home. Learn how to market your home to attract the right buyer by attending one of our home selling seminars. This seminar will be held on Tuesday, October 17 from 6:00 -7:00 p.m. at the Marlborough branch; and on Thursday, October 26 from 6:30-7:30 at the Brookline branch, located at 365 Boylston Street, Brookline, MA 02445.

To register, e-mail financialeducation@rtn.org or call 781-736-9945. You may also register online at rtn.org > Plan and Protect > Financial Education.

RTN is a member-owned, not-for-profit financial cooperative committed to helping members achieve financial well-being through quality products and personalized service. Founded in 1945, RTN is one of the ten largest credit unions in Massachusetts, with nearly $900 million in assets, nearly 50,000 members and 20 branches. RTN Federal Credit Union serves more than 800 employer groups including two major employers in Massachusetts – Raytheon Company and Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

About RTN Federal Credit Union

RTN is a full-service financial cooperative, owned by and operated for its members. Established in 1945, it is one of the 10 largest credit unions in Massachusetts, with more than $860 million in assets, 50,000 members and 19 community and workplace branches. Membership is open to employees and family members of more than 650 employer groups.


Maria Thomasian
Business Development Officer

RTN Federal Credit Union
600 Main Street
Waltham, MA 02452

Tel.: 781-736-9887
Fax.: 781-736-9928

Email: mthomasian@rtn.org
URL:      rtn.org
FB:        facebook.com/rtnfcu