The Town of Brookline shares that the Brookline Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Community Relations has released its biannual demographic report.
The report was created using survey data that gauged diversity, outreach, and engagement within members of the Town’s commissions, committees, boards, town meeting members and other elected officials.
The report details demographic information such as gender, race and ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, household income, veteran status, and more. It also reports the diversity inclusion efforts and frequency of public outreach of Town civic groups.
Conducting the survey allows the Town to better able assess its progress toward diversity, inclusion, and community engagement within its appointed bodies; ensuring that the ideas, interests, and concerns of all the community are voiced and meaningfully considered.
The full report can be viewed here. An executive summary of the report is also available in English, Spanish, Russian, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), and Korean.
“Municipalities have an obligation to uphold diversity in their civic engagement opportunities and activities,” said Assistant Director of Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Community Relations Caitlin Starr. “This report is an important way to keep the community informed about current civic engagement within the Town.”
Any questions or concerns about the report can be directed to Caitlin Starr at or 617-730-2345. Contact for questions / requests about reasonable accommodations or language access.