Home News Administration Brookline Department Of Public Health & Human Services Shares CoViD-19 Report

Brookline Department Of Public Health & Human Services Shares CoViD-19 Report


Health Commissioner Dr. Swannie Jett wishes to share the Town of Brookline’s CoViD-19 Health Report.

The report is meant to provide Brookline residents with a holistic view of the timeline and impacts of the pandemic in town, including the recent data and data trends, the effects on the community and the town’s response.

The report includes data on the total number of reported CoViD-19 cases and deaths in Brookline to this point. The report compares the impact of CoViD-19 in Brookline to other towns in Massachusetts and the nation. While not meant to be a comprehensive review of the pandemic’s impacts on the town, which would come only when CoViD-19 no longer poses a threat, the report examines the pandemic during the period where the state and town were under a state of emergency.

“After examining the data, we discovered that the cumulative CoViD-19 case rate in Brookline is among the lowest in Massachusetts and the U.S. This success can be attributed to the measures that the town took to ensure safety and to our resident’s compliance with these regulations,” said Commissioner Jett. “I recommend that all residents review this report as it will aid them in understanding the trajectory of the virus in Brookline and the impact that our mitigation strategies had across the community.”

The report provides a timeline of Brookline’s response to CoViD-9, which began on March 13, 2020 with the closure of public schools. The report also outlines Brookline’s response measures in regard to face-coverings, social distancing and reducing large gatherings, outreach and communication within the community, mental health, as well as equity and social determinants of health.

Additionally, the report provides information on cases in Brookline by age, gender, race and ethnicity, housing status and more.

The report also includes information about CoViD-19 transmission, symptoms, risk factors, treatment, prevention and vaccines.

To view the full health report, please visit here.