Home News Crime & Punishment Brookline Police Department 2018 Mid-Year Review

Brookline Police Department 2018 Mid-Year Review


The Brookline Police Department is pleased to release its 2018 Mid-Year Report, which covers crime in the first six months of the year, race/gender interactions related to arrests, field interviews, moving violations and citizen complaints and includes various reports and updates from Divisions and specialty units within the Department.

Of particular note, in the first half of 2018, there were a total of 335 Part A crimes in Brookline, down 4% from the 348 Part A crimes during the same period in 2017. Of the 335 crimes, there were 50 cases cleared by arrest, 66 cleared by court action, 40 cleared exceptionally, 11 cleared other means, resulting in a 50% clearance of crimes for the year.

The report could be accessed in its full here.