Home Real Estate News Brookline Housing Authority Request For Proposals Comprehensive Resident Services

Brookline Housing Authority Request For Proposals Comprehensive Resident Services


The Brookline Housing Authority (BHA) is seeking proposals in accordance with Massachusetts General Law Ch. 30-B § 6-a. from qualified firms to provide ongoing resident services to BHA residents under four different programs. Each of these programs has been in place with stable funding for several years. Proposers may respond to one or all subject programs as outlined below:

• Social Work Services for Residents of BHA Housing: Comprehensive case management services for low-income families, elderly and/or disabled individuals with an emphasis on mental health counseling but also including, referrals, advocacy and assistance. This program is funded by the BHA from annual operating subsidy provided by DHCD & HUD.

• Program Coordination – HUD ROSS Program: Self-sufficiency oriented service coordination for residents of federal public housing for families. This program is supported by a grant from HUD.

• Program Coordination – State Housing ROSS Program: Self-sufficiency oriented service coordination for residents of state public housing for families. This program is supported in part by a grant from the NETA Fund at the Brookline Community Foundation (BCF).

• Case Management – DHCD Transitional Housing Program (THP): Case management for homeless families to secure permanent affordable housing through increased self-sufficiency. This program is funded through a contract agreement with DHCD.

Proposers must indicate their intention to respond and/or submit any questions or requests for modifications no later than 2:00 p.m. on April 13, 2017 via email to Desiree Ladd at dladd@brooklinehousing.org. Proposers responding to this RFP must submit their sealed bid proposal(s) no later than 2:00 p.m. on April 20, 2017 to: Desiree Ladd, Executive Assistant, Brookline Housing Authority, 90 Longwood Avenue, Suite 1, Brookline, MA 02446.

The service proposal(s) and fee proposal(s) must be submitted in separate sealed envelopes clearly labeled with the subject program(s) and the Proposer’s company name.

For more information and a complete copy of the RFP please visit our website here.