Home News Infrastructure Town Of Brookline Releases Commissions, Committees & Boards Demographic Report

Town Of Brookline Releases Commissions, Committees & Boards Demographic Report


Town Administrator Chas Carey and Chief Diversity Officer Lloyd Gellineau are sharing the results of the Town of Brookline’s bi-annual demographic survey of commissions, committees and boards (CCBs).

“To ensure that the concerns and ideas of all individuals are voiced and meaningfully considered, municipalities have an obligation to uphold diversity in their civic engagement opportunities and activities,” Gellineau said.

The Brookline Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Relations has been tracking the town’s progress through demographic surveys and reports to gauge diversity, outreach and engagement in the town’s CCBs every two years, beginning in 2018.

The 2022 survey was distributed to CCB members in July, and was designed to gather demographic data on Town Commission, Committee, Board, and/or Town Meeting Members and other Elected Officials only. The survey was fully voluntary.

By respondents providing the requested information, the Town is better able to assess its progress toward diversity, inclusion, and community engagement within its appointed and elected bodies.

The 2022 Demographic Report of Town Commissions, Committees, Boards and Elected Officials is now available. You can find the downloadable report by visiting here.

Questions regarding the report can be directed to Caitlin Starr, MPH, CDE at cstarr@brooklinema.gov or 617-730-2345.

Please contact Sarah Kaplan, ADA Coordinator, at 617-730-2329 or skaplan@brooklinema.gov with any accessibility questions or requests for reasonable accommodations.