Home News Education School Year 2017-2018 Diversity Hiring Report Shared With School Committee

School Year 2017-2018 Diversity Hiring Report Shared With School Committee


At the November 30th School Committee Meeting, Director of Human Resources Lisa Richardson provided an update on the public school’s ongoing efforts on diversity hiring. Ms. Richardson shared the most recent information from hiring for the 2017-2018 school year including the overall demographics of all newly hired educators and administrators.

For 2018, the Brookline schools hired 219 teachers, paraprofessionals, and administrators to replace outgoing staff or to fill new positions. 29%, or 64, of these new employees are people of color. 85% of the newly hired employees are women and 15% are men. Ms. Richardson showed the committee that Brookline ranks second among peer districts with 13.2% of its educators being people of color and that 9.5% of educators across all of Massachusetts people of color.

Ms. Richardson also shared hiring data from the previous five years showing that the two years with the highest rate of diversity hiring for Unit A (teacher) positions were for school years 2016-17 and 2017-18 with 24.4% and 21.3% of new hires being educators of color. The presentation included attrition data for educators of color going back to 2013 and showed that the attrition of all paraprofessionals was 14% from last school year to this school year.

Ms. Richardson closed the presentation by discussing what can be done differently to increase diversity hiring including moving the hiring timeline earlier in the year, making internal hiring process changes, and expanding advertising options.

  • to view the video of the presentation and the School Committee discussion, please follow this link;
  • to view the presentation slides, please click here.