Home News Infrastructure Brookline Celebrates National Public Works Week

Brookline Celebrates National Public Works Week


The Brookline Public Works Department will celebrate National Public Works Week with an Open House on Tuesday, May 23, 2017. The 3rd graders in the schools of Brookline will join in the celebration with a field trip to the Municipal Service Center in the morning. The students will participate in a Public Works Show and Tell event. This year’s theme is “Public Works Connects Us”. The doors will remain open to the public from 12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

As in the past, the Engineering, Highway, Park and Water Divisoins will set up stations for the students and demonstrate their role in the community. The children will tour the facility, learn how to plant and compost, learn how street signs are made, view the different equipment and trucks used by the DPW, watch the robotic sewer pipe camera in action, surveying and much more. Back again this year is the recycling magician show to help children understand recycling and the disposal of waste.

National Public Works Week is a reminder of the many ways Public Works contributes to our quality of life. The week seeks to enhance the prestige of the often-unsung heroes of our society – the professionals who serve the public good every day with quiet dedication. During this week-long celebration, professionals take part in events and activities that increase public awareness of and appreciation for the public works profession.

Please spread the word and bring your family to DPW’s Open House!


Municipal Service Center, 870  Hammond Street
12:00 p.m .- 6:00 p.m. (Open to general public)
On-site parking available

For the DPW Open House Flyer, please click here.