Town Manager Mel Kleckner and Health Commissioner Dr. Swannie Jett would like to inform residents that the Town of Brookline will delay compliance with the Governor’s Order to relax face coverings in certain public places.
The Town of Brookline’s more restrictive outdoor face covering mandate will remain in place until it is reviewed at the next Advisory Council on Public Health meeting.
This news follows Governor Charlie Baker’s announcement on Tuesday, April 27, 2021, that effective today, April 30, 2021, face coverings will only be required outside in public when it is not possible to socially distance, and at other times required by sector-specific guidance.
“Out of an abundance of caution and in our residents’ best interests, the Town of Brookline will not follow suit with the state’s decision to lift the outdoor mask mandate today,” Dr. Jett said. “Our face covering requirement has served as a protective layer that limits the possibility of spreading CoViD-19 and we are reluctant to relax it at this time without further public input and review by the Advisory Council on Public Health.”
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