Home News Health Town Of Brookline Shares Information On Vaccination Program For Homebound Residents

Town Of Brookline Shares Information On Vaccination Program For Homebound Residents


The Department of Brookline Public Health wishes to inform the public that it will oversee and administer CoViD-19 vaccinations for homebound residents under a local option provided by the state.

The Town asks residents to call the Vaccination Call Center at 617-879-5636 to ensure that all eligible homebound residents have an opportunity to receive the vaccine.

In-home vaccinations are available to those 18 years of age and older who:

  • require an ambulance or assistance from two people to leave their home;
  • are unable to leave their home for medical appointments under normal circumstances;
  • and/or have considerable difficulty and/or need significant support to leave their home for medical appointments.

This includes people who are bedbound, have significant cognitive or behavioral needs like dementia or panic disorder, are frail and need significant support to leave the home, and those who have significant, ongoing mobility challenges.

In-home vaccinations are not available to those who live in a long-term care facility, are temporarily homebound, or who can leave their homes with adequate assistance.

The Town does not know which vaccine it will receive.

The Call Center will begin screening individuals who call and/or have been identified as homebound. In-home visits will begin when vaccines become available to the Town.

“We are grateful to the state for providing this option so that we may care for Brookline’s homebound residents directly,” Health Commissioner Dr. Swannie Jett said. “We ask that residents be patient as we await vaccine and can start this program to further stem the spread of this virus.”

The Health Department and Office of Emergency Management will work together to schedule appointments based on the number of individuals to be vaccinated.

A two-person team, consisting of one vaccinator and one clerical person, will visit the home to administer the shot and monitor the patient post-vaccination. The entire visit will last 30 to 45 minutes.

Paperwork must be signed in advance for those homebound individuals with dementia, and for residents with legal guardians. The town asks that a family member or guardian be at the home during these appointments to ease any potential confusion by the vaccine recipient.

The Town’s Vaccination Call Center, 617-879-5636 is open from Monday-Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 02:00 p.m. Those who call after hours may leave a voicemail and their messages will be returned when the Call Center is open. Questions may also be submitted via e-mail to vaccine@brooklinema.gov.

Additionally, the Town of Brookline has made answers to frequently asked questions available on its CoViD-19 portal, which can be accessed directly by visiting here. The town will share Brookline specific information here as it becomes available.