Town Administrator Mel Kleckner is pleased to announce that Justin Casanova-Davis has been named Brookline’s Acting Finance Director, filling the vacancy created by the resignation of Jeana Franconi, who is relocating to be closer to family.
Casanova-Davis joined the Town of Brookline in 2018 as an Assistant Town Administrator. In that role, he’s been responsible for a variety of projects, including implementing and integrating new OpenGov budget software, which promotes budget transparency townwide.
He has also overseen the allocation of federal CARES Act funding, worked to support goal-setting by the Select Board and town departments, been responsible for preparing the town’s annual report, and served as a liaison to the town’s Financial Advisory Committee. Casanova-Davis also worked as the staff liaison supporting the development of the town’s community engagement strategy.
“Justin has been an important part of not only the town’s response to and recovery from COVID-19, but also the extensive planning and analysis that goes into developing our budget year after year,” Kleckner said. “He is an excellent person to steward our Finance Department through this period of transition, and I look forward to his continued success supporting the town.”
Casanova-Davis began in his new role Monday, August 16, 2021.
Before joining the Town of Brookline, Casanova-Davis worked as the Principal Budget Analyst for the City of Cambridge, and before that as a Budget Analyst for the House Committee on Ways and Means at the State House.
He was recognized with the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA)’s Goldberg-Miller Public Finance Award in 2021, and was a contributor to budgets that earned the organization’s Distinguished Budget awards for fiscal years 2018-2021.
Additionally, Casanova-Davis was one of a dozen participants chosen to spearhead the MassTown Careers initiative to encourage and promote municipal government service. In addition to his work in Brookline, Casanova-Davis serves as a member of the Buildings, Facilities and Capital Expenditures Committee in his hometown of Whitman.
Casanova-Davis earned a bachelor’s degree in political science from Boston College, a graduate certificate in local government, leadership and management from Suffolk University and is nearing completion of a master’s degree in public administration from Suffolk University.
You can see Justin in the following spot from a year ago.