Town Administrator Chas Carey and Fire Chief / Emergency Management Director John F. Sullivan invite community members to review the 2023 Hazard Mitigation Plan Update.
Brookline’s Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee has developed a Hazard Mitigation Plan that identifies and prioritizes actions the Town can take to mitigate the impacts of natural hazards and climate change.
The Town asks that residents review the plan update and provide recommendations, thoughts, and comments to help the Town finalize the plan. The plan can be found here. To view a hard copy, please visit the Office of Emergency Management, 350 Washington Street, Brookline, MA 02445.
Residents can provide comments on the plan by filling out this digital form or by sending an email to The comment period will be open from June 01 to June 15, 2023.
When implemented, the Hazard Mitigation Plan will support the town’s resiliency against natural hazards such as flooding, snowstorms, high winds, and extreme temperatures. Town officials and local stakeholders developed this plan with support from the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA). Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) approval and Town adoption of the Hazard Mitigation Plan Update allows the Town to apply for pre- and post-disaster hazard mitigation grant funds.
Those with questions regarding this project should contact Cheryl Anne Snyder, Emergency Management Coordinator at 617-730-2656, or by e-mail at
The Hazard Mitigation Plan is available in various formats and languages upon request. For access to these documents, or for assistance with the feedback form, please contact Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Relations Specialist Sarah Kaplan at 617-730-2329, or be e-mail at