The Brookline Select Board is welcoming residents to provide input on what qualities they are looking for in the next Town Administrator at a listening session this month.
The event will take place on Tuesday, July 26, 2022, at 07:15 p.m.
The meeting is hybrid. Residents may attend in person at the Select Board Hearing Room on the sixth floor of Town Hall, 333 Washington Street or via Zoom.
The Select Board would like to hear from community members during a public comment session that will last an hour and a half. Each community member will have three minutes in person or via Zoom to share their priorities, along with qualities and characteristics they are looking for in the next Town Administrator.
The Town Administrator Screening Committee has identified three finalists in the search for Brookline’s next Town Administrator. Finalists include Charles Carey, who previously served in numerous roles in New York City government, Jennifer Dopazo Gilbert, who previously served as Brookline’s Town Counsel, and George Ramirez, who currently serves as the Executive Director of the Lawrence Partnership.
The Select Board will take into consideration the input gathered from the community when they vote to appoint the next Town Administrator on Tuesday, August 09, 2022.
Additionally, the Select Board will conduct public interviews with each finalist, which will include a broad range of topics and scenario-based questions at a hybrid meeting on Tuesday, July 12, 2022 at 04:00 p.m. Residents may attend in person at the Select Board Hearing Room on the 6th floor of Town Hall, 333 Washington Street or via Zoom.