The Brookline Police Department will be participating in Placard Abuse Prevention Week to help reduce the misuse of placards statewide. Placard Abuse Prevention Week, which runs from May 6th -13th, is led by a task force through the Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV). The initiative aims to reduce disabled parking placard abuse so that parking spaces are always available for those who need them.
The Department will be on the lookout in parking lots, commercial and congested residential areas for expired and/or misused placards.
Violators can be issued a $505 citation as a first offense under M.G.L Ch. 90 s 2. ($1005 for 2nd offense).
Officers will send the placard’s information to the RMV for confiscation. Placard owners/holders can face penalties even if they’re not present at the time of the misuse.
The most common forms of handicap parking abuse include:
• Using a placard that belonged to a deceased relative
• Using a spouse’s placard without the spouse present
• Using an expired placard
• Using placards with altered expiration dates