rookline Police arrested a West Roxbury man after he allegedly touched a woman in a CVS with his exposed genitals on July 23. Police charged Jamal Josephs, 32, of Ridgecrest Terr, in West Roxbury with indecent assault and battery, and two counts of open and gross conduct.
A little after 1:00 p.m. a woman was shopping at the CVS at 1322 Beacon Street. She was standing in the hair care aisle when someone came up very close to her and then allegedly bumped into the woman. When she turned around she saw he had bumped into her with his exposed genitals, according to the police report.
The man ran away, but the another woman’s husband followed him onto a 66 bus and told the police officer who was interviewing what he called a visibly upset woman in the CVS this. The officer stepped outside and could see the bus stopped in front of the Bank of America and that it flashed its emergency notification lights, indicating there was an issue according to the police report.
The police officer made his way to the bus, and when the driver opened the door for the officer he said he immediately saw Josephs, who he recognized from the security footage and whose picture he’d sent out to other units. He noted that Josephs’ zipper was down and he had a box cutter sticking out of his pants pockets.
The officer arrested Josephs for indecently touching a woman with his exposed genitals without her consent. And intentionally exposing his genitals to people in a public setting causing them to be shocked and offended.
This incident comes after a spate of other indecent assaults in Brookline, including an incident earlier this month where a man was arrested after he came up and slapped a woman’s behind near the corner of Sewall and St. Paul Avenue. And another incident where a woman reported she was grabbed in a private part near the corner of Gibbs and Naples roads.
The Department of Justice defines sexual assault as “any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient.”
According to indecent assault is an assault that is sexual in nature and without consent. It is considered a sex crime.
Arrest does not imply conviction.