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Saturday, February 15, 2025


Home News Politics

I Have A Dream

As we celebrate the life and achievements of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. today, let us remember the speech, which delivered on August 28,...

Key Dates & Information Ahead Of Election Day

With Election Day now just weeks away, the Town Clerk's Office wishes to remind residents of some important dates and details they need to...

The G. Edward Griffin’s Prophecies: 1969

https://www.facebook.com/276931235839237/posts/1406261789572837/?d=null&vh=e https://youtu.be/ogkKFvuW0SM

Slow Joe & Phony Kamala

https://twitter.com/TrumpWarRoom/status/1293285461855801346?s=09 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3587162764641792&id=295644160460352&d=null&vh=e

I Do Not Support George Floyd And Refuse To See Him...

"Confession: I DO NOT support George Floyd and I refuse to see him as a martyr. But I hope his family receives justice.” Candace Owens https://www.facebook.com/realCandaceOwens/videos/273957870461345/?d=null&vh=e https://www.facebook.com/RealVinceJames/videos/2585631978421954/

Brookline Weighs Facial Recognition Restrictions

Brookline Town Meeting member Amy Hummel proposed a ban on government use of facial surveillance software, making Brookline the third municipality in Massachusetts to...

Brookline Rejects Effort To Ban Secrecy Clauses In Harassment Settlements

The Brookline town meeting defeated a proposal Tuesday night to do away with secrecy provisions in settlements of racial or sexual harassment claims again...

First Circuit Court Of Appeals Rule No Right To Bear Arms...

On 2 November 2018, the First Circuit Court of Appeals held the Second Amendment effectively does not apply outside the home. From uscourts.gov: "This case involves...

Brookline Residents Clash With Marijuana Retailers Over Potential Opening Of Dispensary

Brookline residents rallied Thursday night against a proposal to put a retail marijuana dispensary in at 1032 Beacon Street, the former location of Waxy’s...

Neighborhood Conservation District Commission Sub-Committee Meeting

Notice of a Brookline Neighborhood Conservation District Commission Sub-Committee Meeting to discuss the Greater Toxteth Design Standards on Monday, September 24, 2018 at 07:00 p.m. Address: Town Hall School Committee Room, 5th Floor 333 Washington Street Brookline, MA 02445  

Climate Action Committee To Meet

Select Board’s Climate Action Committee Brookline Town Hall 333 Washington Street First Floor – Room 111 Monday, September 24, 2018 at 06:00 p.m. Agenda: Approval of July Minutes; Mothers...

Happy Independence Day!

On January 20, 1961 John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address inspired Americans to see the importance of civic action and public service. His historic words, which...

July Morning

There I was on a July morning Looking for love... Uriah Heep https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grSWdLdp7po  

Brookline Votes To Change Name Of Devotion School

Brookline Town Meeting voted Tuesday to rename the Edward S. Devotion School, which was named after a resident who owned a slave in the...
Edward Devotion School

Brookline Votes To Rename School Attended By JFK Over Slavery

Residents of Brookline have voted to rename the elementary school once attended by John F. Kennedy because it was named for a former slave...

Say What?

Trump Gives Iran Warning Against Resuming Nuclear Program

President Donald Trump warned Iran on Wednesday against resuming its nuclear weapons program, a day after announcing that he was withdrawing the U.S. from...

Around Town

1. Bring LEGO to life on May 3. With the help of Empow Studios instructors, students can learn animation software, film editing and bring LEGO...

“What’s Happening? Resisting The Assault On America II”

Boston OLOC (Old Lesbians Organizing For Change) presents “What’s Happening? Resisting the Assault on America II” on Sunday, May 6th, from 2:00 p.m. to...

The National Center For Jewish Film’s Annual Festival Starts May 2

The National Center for Jewish Film's annual festival will feature limited release screenings, regional premieres and insightful discussions from May 2 to 13. Professor of American Studies Thomas...



Modern Educayshun

*image caption below

Chemical Health Policy Stricter Than State’s

Since the 90s, the high school has enforced a chemical health policy that is more strict than the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association (MIAA), specifically...

Proposed Early Education Center Passes Important Milestone

The planned early education building that will be built privately and used by the school department for the Brookline Early Education Program passed an...

Brookline Student Argues To Keep Devotion Name

To the editor: I recently read a column (An open letter on “the two Brooklines”) submitted to the Brookline Tab regarding the renaming of the...

Brookline Students And Allies “Walk Out” Undeterred By Snow

The snow day did not stop dozens of students across the town from walking out in an effort to show where they stood on...

Brookline To Get A New Fire Chief

Last week, following a review of finalists, the Town Administrator recommended an outside candidate for the job of Fire Chief in Brookline ahead of...

3-Year Override Funding Plan To Be Discussed March 6

Select Board Chair Neil Wishinsky has developed a 3-Year Override Funding Plan for discussion at the Select Board meeting on Tuesday evening, March 6. This includes a...

Brookline Should Remove Slaveholder’s Name From School

When Brookline’s $120 million renovation of the Devotion School is complete, it will feature about 24,500 square feet of new space and accommodate an...
Sen. Cynthia Creem

Sen. Cindy Creem Appointed MA Senate Majority Leader

The state senator who represents Newton, Brookline and Wellesley was appointed Senate Majority Leader Wednesday. "I'm thrilled. I'm very, very excited. I'm really so happy...