The Task Force to Reimagine Policing in Brookline announces that approximately 25,000 residents will be invited to provide feedback on policing and public safety in town.
The survey, which is being conducted by Tufts University, was commissioned by the Task Force and those who receive the invite by mail are strongly urged to complete it.
“It’s critical for us to get participation from a broad array of Town residents, especially residents of color, disabled residents, those with mental health issues and their families, and other residents from historically marginalized groups,” said Task Force Chair Raul Fernandez. “We greatly appreciate the time and honest feedback of all those who respond to the survey – you are doing a great service lending your voice to one of the most important issues facing Brookline and this country.”
Mailed letters with details on how to complete the survey will be delivered to about 25,000 residents. These residents were identified at random by the researchers conducting the survey, with care taken to especially sample residents of color and those living in public housing. Some residents will separately be invited to provide feedback on the Brookline Police Department’s Walk and Talk program as well.
Only those invited to take part in the survey may do so.
The survey is part of the Task Force’s efforts to develop a baseline understanding of the state of policing in Brookline, and use a data-informed approach to make recommendations for a distinctly alternative approach to public safety.