Home News Environment Brookline Residents Invited To Presentation On Urban Forest Climate Resiliency Master Plan...

Brookline Residents Invited To Presentation On Urban Forest Climate Resiliency Master Plan Draft


The Brookline Department of Public Works Parks and Open Space Division is developing an Urban Forest Climate Resiliency Master Plan and is seeking residents’ participation.

The Parks and Open Space Division enthusiastically invites all members of the public to virtually attend its upcoming public meeting on Monday, May 17, 2021, from 6:00 p.m. – 08:00 p.m. via Zoom. Please register in advance by visiting here. To join by phone once the meeting has begun, dial 669-254-5252 or 646-828-7666. Please note that joining by phone prevents callers from participating in the meeting.

This Master Plan is intended to position the Town to proactively and equitably prepare for and protect against the impacts of climate change on our public and private trees, and in turn prepare for and mitigate impacts to the community and environment overall.

The upcoming public meeting will be an opportunity to review key takeaways from the Master Plan prior to its finalization, including the analysis of tree canopy coverage across Brookline and climate change risk and intervention analysis, and to provide public comment.

If you are interested in learning more about this project, please log onto our project website here. Contact Katie Weatherseed, Project Manager, with any questions you may have at kweatherseed@brooklinema.gov or 617-730-2088.
