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Brookline Medical Reserve Corps & Community Emergency Response Team Host Appreciation Night For Volunteers


The Town of Brookline is pleased to share that the Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) and Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) hosted an appreciation night for volunteers last week.

The event took place on Thursday, September 30, 2021, at Veterans Post, with about 60 people attending. The event began with dinner and networking, followed by opening remarks from CERT Coordinator Sgt. Casey Hatchett, Chair of Brookline Emergency Management Team Fire Chief John Sullivan, and Acting Health Commissioner Patrick Maloney. The event concluded with an awards ceremony.

MRC and CERT volunteers typically assist with a variety of activities, including staffing Boston Marathon reception centers, assisting displaced residents after fires, stocking equipment trailers, staffing flu clinics and community events and more. During the CoViD-19 pandemic, volunteers assisted with distributing informational flyers, staffing the food pantry, staffing CoViD-19 antibody testing events, sewing masks, making wellness calls to homebound and isolated seniors, and more.

The organizations have about 700 volunteers combined.

“The last year and a half, you have gone above and beyond in unimaginable ways. Our town and our fellow residents were safer and healthier because of your brave efforts during such a dangerous and uncertain time,” said Sgt. Hatchett. “Your work literally saved lives. I thank everyone in this room for your contribution whether big or small to the town’s CoViD-19 response and recovery.”

Awards were given to volunteers and staff members who went above and beyond the call of service:

  • Office of Emergency Management Coordinator Cheryl Snyder and former Brookline Nurse Barbara Westley were presented with the 2020-2021 Community Emergency Preparedness Appreciation Awards.
  • Volunteers Marjorie Trovato and Susan Katz Gilman were honored with the 2020-2021 Trudy Cohen Volunteer Service Awards.

The town thanks all emergency operation center staff, town supporters and volunteers for their hard work throughout the year. The town also would like to thank Catering by Andrew for donating food for the event, as well as Director of Veterans Services Bill McGroarty and Elmon Hendricks for coordinating the event space.

The appreciation event began with dinner and networking among volunteers and staff.

Food for the event was donated by Catering by Andrew.