Home News Health Brookline Indoor Mask Mandate & Vaccination Requirement At Businesses To Remain In...

Brookline Indoor Mask Mandate & Vaccination Requirement At Businesses To Remain In Effect Until Further Notice


Interim Health Commissioner Patrick Maloney announces that the Town of Brookline’s mask mandate and proof of vaccination requirement continues to remain in effect though the need for these requirements will be reassessed next month.

On Thursday, February 10, 2022, the Brookline Advisory Council on Public Health (ACPH), with the support of Interim Commissioner Maloney, voted unanimously to continue these requirements.

Proof of vaccination will continue to be required for patrons at all:

  • indoor entertainment, recreation and event venues — including movie theaters and performance spaces, party venues, museums and galleries, exhibition halls and other recreational centers food service establishments, including indoor and outdoor seating areas; the regulation does not apply to food service establishments offering food or beverage exclusively for off-premises consumption, nor does it apply to charitable food service locations;
  • all commercial indoor gyms and fitness settings.

To download the full order, please visit here.

Additionally, masks continue to be required in all public indoor spaces in Brookline.

The ACPH will reassess the need for these requirements in mid-March by reviewing county- and town-wide CoViD-19 case numbers, as well as community transmission risk.

“We have consistently observed significant spikes in positive CoViD-19 cases following holidays and school breaks,” Interim Commissioner Maloney said. “Once we are able to assess the effects that February school vacation has on CoViD-19 case numbers, we will review the possibility of lifting these requirements. In the meantime, we remind residents that the pandemic is still ongoing and to be mindful of all safety precautions.”