Home News Business Brightleaf Solutions Named As Company Of The Year By CIOReview

Brightleaf Solutions Named As Company Of The Year By CIOReview

Brightleaf Solutions, Inc,
Brightleaf Solutions, Inc,

Brightleaf Solutions, Inc., a leading provider of technology powered services to overcome the challenge of mining important data from unstructured documents has been named as company of the year by the CIOReview magazine.

“We are honored to be named as Company of the year for Contract Management solutions provider. This honor shows the importance of migration of legacy contract and associated data into the Contract Management Systems deployed by companies. Contract management is now a necessity for corporations”, says Samir Bhatia, CEO of Brightleaf. “We are committed to advancing the success of these systems by using natural language, artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies to extract data from legacy contracts to be populated into the system along with their contractual documents.”

“We are extremely happy to announce Brightleaf Solutions as Company of the year as a Contract Management solutions provider in our latest magazine edition. Brightleaf is the only company in the contract management landscape that provides an end-to-end technology powered solution for extraction of data from contracts, customized to each client’s requirements” said Jeevan George, Managing Editor of CIOReview. “This focus and substantial benefit provided to all the system vendors, made Brightleaf an easy choice in this space.”, adds George. (Click here to view the writeup on Brightleaf).

Brightleaf has developed a state of the art platform using Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing technologies to extract key data information from contracts. “The contracts pass through the software which carries predefined rule sets/algorithms that are handpicked as per client specifications. The software is then followed by a review from our expert lawyers to find and fix any discrepancies.” says Samir Bhatia, “We are also exploring new domains outside contracts and English language to meet extended requirements from our clients.”

Data extraction from unstructured text is perhaps the most challenging issue that information processing faces. Because the implications of missing critical information, such as risk factors, expiry dates, penalty clauses and opportunities are so much greater in complex contracts, quality and reliability of data is paramount. Brightleaf understands the relevance of staying on top of quality of extracted data for its clients and promises a Six Sigma quality level output.


About Brightleaf Solutions, Inc.

Brightleaf provides a technology powered service to extract information from your contracts using our own proprietary semantic intelligence/natural language processing technology, our own team of lawyers to check the output, and our own Six-Sigma process to deliver end-to-end, highly accurate, extracted data from your contracts.

The data can be virtually anything, and it is customized for each of your type of contracts. All meta-data, terms and conditions, legal provisions, and even all obligations (which are usually scattered throughout your contracts) are extracted by our software. This extracted data is checked by our team of lawyers, and provided in a format for easy upload into any system, such as a Contract Lifecycle Management System (CLM), for tracking and reporting (download Strategy Brief).

This allows you to leverage the knowledge in your existing contracts, report on the extracted data, even recover hidden revenue (e.g. by policing penalty clauses in your supplier agreements) and comply with current and upcoming regulations.