Home News Infrastructure Sidewalk Snow/Ice Removal, Enforcement, & Reporting

Sidewalk Snow/Ice Removal, Enforcement, & Reporting


Sidewalk Snow/Ice Removal Bylaw Enforcement:

The current deadline for Sidewalk Snow/Ice Removal By-Law enforcement for commercial and multi-family buildings is 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, March 15th. The deadline for single family and residential buildings with less than five families is 12:00 Noon on Thursday, March 16th. By-Law enforcement begins immediately following the times specified.

Note: It is important to understand the Town by-law regarding the Removal of Snow and Ice From Sidewalks and how it is enforced BEFORE reporting violations or making snow or ice removal requests. The Town can issue fines only; the Town cannot force anyone to remove snow or ice nor does the Town remove snow/ice for those who are not in compliance. As a result, when violations are found or reported, the next step is a fine. This may or may not result in the snow/ice being removed by the property owner. In most cases, property owners do eventually comply with snow removal. Your understanding and cooperation is greatly appreciated!

Reporting Unshoveled or Icy Sidewalks in Brookline:

The town will be monitoring snow/ice removal compliance, but citizens can also help. There are easy ways to submit a report:

1. Download the free BrookONline app for iPhone and Android. With the BrookONline app, you can report unshoveled/icy sidewalks, plowing/sanding requests, broken streetlights, graffiti, broken parking meters and much more. Plus, requests can be geo-tagged and include pictures.

2. Fill out the online Citizen Reporter Form located on our website.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Removal of Snow & Ice From Sidewalks By-Law