Home News Infrastructure Share Your Vision For Commercial Development

Share Your Vision For Commercial Development


As part of the Town of Brookline’s Planning for a Changing Brookline series, the Economic Development Advisory board (EDAB) is facilitating a Town-wide Visioning process focused on Brookline’s commercial areas. We want to hear your vision for commercial development in the Town of Brookline so that our committee can work to implement strategies and goals to achieve that vision.

The survey below asks questions about your vision and values for the Town overall as well as for the individual commercial districts. All responses are optional.

We will also be hosting a public forum on Wednesday, November 8th from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. at Brookline Town Hall. We hope that you will join us!

Your participation in this planning effort is critical to its success and to bringing about the community you envision. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and for helping to make Brookline great for years to come!

To take the survey, please click here.