Home News Crime & Punishment Police Blotter

Police Blotter


Tuesday, Feb. 20

Graffiti on Stetson Street: Around 8:53 a.m. a caller reported graffiti on the front steps of a Stetson Street building.

Coyote on Hawthorne Road: At 9:55 a.m. a caller reported a coyote by High Street and Hawthorne Road.

Suspicious man on St. Paul Street: At 10:48 a.m. a caller reported a man sitting in a black car with the engine running on St. Paul Street. The caller said the car had been running for a while and thought it was suspicious.

Dumpster fire on Beacon Street: At 4:05 p.m. a caller reported a lot of smoke coming out of the trash in front of Lees Burger by the Beacon Street and Harvard Street intersection.

Break and enter on Mason Terrace: At 5:34 p.m. a caller reported that the back door to their Mason Terrace home was open and that jewelry was missing.

Drinking from a browned bag bottle on Francis Street: At 5:52 p.m. a caller reported three men in front of Lawrence school who were standing on the ramp and drinking from a bottle in a brown bag. The caller said they could smell alcohol as they walked by.

Loud youths at the Lawrence playground: At 10:16 p.m. a caller reported three kids on the Lawrence basketball court who were making a lot of noise.

Bat on Royal Road: At 10:58 p.m. a caller reported a bat in their bathroom on Royal Road.

Wednesday, Feb. 21

A running hose on Winthrop Road: At 4:40 a.m. a caller reported hearing noises – possibly a hose running on the back patio of a Winthrop Road home.

Man with a gas mask on Englewoood Avenue: At 6:36 p.m. a caller reported a man with a gas mask, a flashlight connected to his glasses and a spray can by Lanark Road and Englewood Avenue.

Thursday, Feb. 22

Suspicious man on Beacon Street: At 1:59 a.m. a caller reported that a man entered a Beacon Street building through a fire escape window on the fourth floor. The man was described as wearing all white clothing.

Graffiti at the high school: At 5:29 a.m. a Brookline High School custodian reported graffiti which he discovered that morning.

Urination and lipstick kisses on Stearns Road: At 9:08 a.m. a caller reported returning home on Stearns Road to find urine on the bed and lipstick kisses on the mirror.

Leaf blowers on Beacon Street: At 9:51 a.m. a caller reported four leaf blowers being used on Beacon Street.

Graffiti on Station Street: At 2:02 p.m. a caller reported graffiti on a town wall on Station Street by Puppet Place.

Group argument on Centre Street: At 2 a.m. police received a report of a group of people arguing in a parking lot between 40 and 50 Centre Street.

Male appendage along the Riverway: At 9:02 a.m. a caller reported a male appendage next to a tree along the Riverway walking path near the Carlton Street Footbridge. The caller was unable to determine if the appendage was real or fake.

Saturday, Feb. 24

Leaf blowers on Beacon Street: At 10:34 a.m. a caller reported a crew working with leaf blowers by Beacon Street and James Street.

Suspicious men on Wallis Road: At 3:32 p.m. police received a report of two men who attempted to enter a blue house on Wallis Road by Wolcott Road. According to the report, the men were in a black van that headed towards Newton Street.

Men yelling gibberish on Fuller Street: At 7:41 p.m. a caller reported a man standing in the middle of the road on Fuller Street yelling and talking gibberish.

Sunday, Feb. 25

Off-leash dogs in Griggs Park: At 8:37 a.m. police received a report that 10 dogs were off the leash in Griggs Park.

Blood droplets and smear on Beacon Street: At 8:47 a.m. a caller reported finding blood droplets, smear and possibly saliva on the landing near her third floor apartment on Beacon Street. The police report noted that this checked out ok.

Bat on Ivy Street: At 10:14 p.m. a caller reported a bat in the atrium of an Ivy Street building.