Home News Crime & Punishment Police Blotter

Police Blotter


The following is a sample of the types of calls the Brookline police responded to the extended weekend of Feb. 16 through Feb. 19 taken from the public log and the Brookline police blog, meant to give residents an idea of what people report to the police and what Brookline police respond to. Note that just because someone reports an issue to the police is not necessarily the way it actually happened. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty.

Friday, Feb. 16

Animal Bite: A Sumner Road resident called to report their dog was just attacked by a loose dog.

Graffiti: A Devotion Street property manager reported graffiti on a building there and someone else reported graffiti on Chestnut Street.

Break in? or delivery?: A dog sitter on Rawson Road called to report a possible attempted break in. The person told police they heard the door handle shaking intensely and it sounded like someone was trying to unlock the door with a key and they were not expecting any of the residents to be home. It turned out a neighbor who had the key was trying to deliver Amazon packages.

Drunk: Someone from Uber called to report a drunk woman wouldn’t get out of the car while it was parked on Beacon Street.

Sat. Feb. 17

Drive through at Anna’s? At 4:15 a.m. an officer reported seeing a car had crashed into Anna’s Taqueria on the corner of Harvard and Thorndike streets. The driver refused transport to hospital or any where. Perfection Towing company towed the car. The property owner and the building department were on scene.

Stolen: A Coolidge Street resident came into the station to report his Redline Conquest 18 Speed Cyclecross bike was stolen from the side of his house between Thursday and Friday morning.

Noisy neighbors: Someone reported loud talking and music on Strathmore Road at 11:10 p.m. Someone was given a citation. There were also calls about noise on Egmont Street at 1:53 a.m. and one about the loading dock at the Star Market on Beacon Street at 4 a.m. And a complaint about loud music and talking at 3:43 a.m. on Freeman Street.

Fight: Someone from CVS said there was a fight in the store around 7:31 p.m. Police gave them warnings.

Sunday, Feb. 18

Disturbing: Someone on Station Street called to report a fight in a nearby apartment. Someone reported hearing a woman yelling “Why are you hurting me?”

Injured Animal: A Hawthorn Road resident called to report an injured coyote in their back yard. They wanted to have it checked out. It turned out the animal was just laying down.

Damaged: A Kent Street resident came into the station to report that while her bike was locked to a meter pole in front of her home it was damaged. She said it might have been because of the sidewalk plow.

Monday, Feb 19

Snow plow damage: A Brookline Firefighter called to report the town sidewalk plow caused damage to the walk outside his mom’s house on Russett Road.

Wait, what?: A man came into the station to report that a couple days ago, on Feb. 16, while he was driving near the Dummer and Amory streets, someone shot a bullet at him. He said the bullet was still in his car.

That’s not the road: Someone called at 6 p.m. to report a car crashed into a fence on Francis Street and then the Lawrence School sign and then right into the playground. Someone described the car as a dark colored Jeep that then went up Toxtheth. She told police there was yelling before the crash and a passerby reported seeing the car swerving on Longwood. Police noted a car was towed.